Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. New users need to request access to iCOW and YCEa by emailing a completed YCEa External User Login Account Request Form to
[email protected]. Once the credentials are established, an automated email with a temporary password will be sent from the system. The new user will be prompted to change passwords on their first login. More workers’ compensation claims information can be found under
Detailed instructions are available in PDF on the Workers’ Compensation Forms page. There are instructions on each form. All claims should be submitted to our Operational Service Center at
[email protected]. [Note: Please do not send a claim directly to an adjuster as the Fund may not be able to verify receipt.]
When in the YCEa system, the left side menu includes a search function. After clicking on Search, you may search by several key factors including claim number, name, etc. As a general note, the left side menu will guide you through the claims system while the topic menu will guide you through the specific claim.
Unlike many commercial insurance carriers, there is no financial penalty for reporting incidents. Therefore, members are encouraged to report incidents whenever a claim or potential claim occurs. Certainly, automobile accidents, visitor trips and falls, allegations or accusations by employees or clients should be promptly reported. The Fund’s experienced adjusters will respond as the situation dictates.
Claim forms and notices can be found under Resources pages. There are instructions on each form. All claims should be submitted to our Operational Service Center at
[email protected]. [Note: Please do not send a claim directly to an adjuster as the Fund may not be able to verify receipt.]
Please include the completed form or loss notice plus any pictures or images, names of witnesses and their contact information, internal incident forms, police reports and officer information, and anything which might expedite the adjudication process.
The Fund’s adjusters intend to respond to each member within 24 hours. They may have requests for more information or the need to clarify the loss. The adjuster will coordinate an appropriate plan of action with the member.
The Fund runs MVRs every two years on all covered employees. The results are returned to the member’s human resources team when a person can not be covered by the Fund.
Members are required to run MVRs on each new hire.
Access the MVR application via the link on the home page. The userid and password is unique to this application and does not interface with the claims system. Request your user name from your customer service representative.
Loss information is sent monthly to the members’ executive directors and other senior leaders as requested by the member. In addition, every six months, a five year loss history is distributed to the same individuals. Senior leaders can request additional leaders be added to the distribution list by contacting [email protected].
Contact [email protected] (800.580.6467 x.12439) to request any specialized loss report.
iCOW – “Claims Opening Wizard” is used to open workers’ compensation claims. Users can access the system via the “Workers’ Compensation Forms under “Resources” pages. New users can find the access form on this page as well.
YCEa – “York Claims Expert” is the claims system which can be used for DWC3 and DWC6 form submission. The process for accessing this system is the same as iCOW.
Clarity – will replace the “Risk Pool Management System” in the coming month as the underwriting system where policy and rating information is stored. Members will access this system for annual online renewals. Members will have direct access to their property and automobile schedules.
First Net Learning – provides the Fund’s Online Learning Campus. Members can contact them directly to receive their employer codes. (888) 948-4949 x 1