August 12, 2022

Security issues continue to plague community centers. Richard Wigzell, Risk Management Consultant for the Fund, will address many of the issues and solutions he deals with during security audits for Fund members. He will examine security issues both outside and inside center facilities with particular emphasis on cameras, doors, lobbies, concealment, and entrapment. Richard will also discuss an active shooter event that occurred at a community center late last year. 

Jeremy Wade, Risk Services Manager, will take us through an effective active shooter drill. He will discuss who should be involved, how to stage it, dos and don’ts, and to please call the police and let them know you’re doing a drill! We will leave some time at the end for your questions.

Additional information about these issues and laws will be made available for download during the webinar. 

The webinar is scheduled for August 12, 2022, from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. There is no fee for TCRMF Fund members. Non-members are not eligible to attend.

If you have questions or need assistance registering for the webinar, please call Kathy Hulse at 800-580-6467 extension 12420 or email her at [email protected].